To the Mayor of Mesagne Town Hall, 4 Rome Str. Mesagne, Province of Prindisi Italy |
Announcement to: 1. Foreign Affairs of Greece, 1, Acadimias str., Athens 2. European Union, General Management Press and Communication 200, rue de la Loi B-1049 Bruxelles
Dear Sir,
During the 39th International Congress on the History of Medicine, which took place in Metaponto, (5-10 September 2004) the particepants had the oportunity on Wednesday 8 to visit your Town, to listen to a few lectures of the Congress at the Castle and see the interesting places of your Town.
In the elegant brief informative brochure, "Citta de Mesagne. Provincia de Prindesi", which was offered to us, we saw that on one section was the map of the European Union in which the Islands of Greece were left out, for example Rhodes, Lesvos, Chios etc., as you can see in the attached brochure.
I would like to inform you that the enclosed pages of a publication from the European Union, which was also printed in Italian in 2004, contains the Islands of Greece, although these maps are smaller in size.
I would like you to request, that this brochure be corrected in the future publications.
I am looking forward to receiving a corrected copy of the brochure.
Your Sincerely
Dim. Karaberopoulos, M.D., Ph.D.